use leaflet in a sentence, make example sentences of the ...
77+3 sentence examples: 1. While Shelley was still at school, he circulated a pamphlet attacking religion. 2. The Colonel could tell that the noise was distracting Amanda from her pamphlet, though she gave no outward sign. 3. Was it to be an official Brochure dictionary definition | brochure defined brochure definition: The definition of a brochure is a booklet containing information or advertising material. (noun) A pamphlet advertising a popular vacation destination is an example of a brochure. Sentence Examples | Examples of Words Used in a Sentence Find sentence examples. Sometimes to understand a word's meaning you need more than a definition. At YourDictionary we try to give you all of the tools you need to really understand what the word means. Seeing the word in a sentence can provide more context and relevance. Browse the Index of Sentences.
Here are 160 fantastic examples of sentences and phrases with the word " pamphlet". Pitt found the old lady and the young one, when he came upstairs with him pamphlet in his hand. I showed Lord Steyne your pamphlet on malt. pamphlet definition: 1. a thin book with only a few pages that gives information or Examples of pamphlet. pamphlet. The possibility remains, however, that the Examples from literature. My girlfriend is probably through her second cup of coffee and reading brochures for nature walks in the Alps at this point, so I say, fine, 7 Jul 2017 This is a guide to writing a brochure, complete with 10 different examples. We run brochures through a Visual Attention System to show where 11 Jul 2012 When the participial phrase begins a sentence set it off with a comma and place the modified noun immediately after the comma. Example 12 Sep 2019 Marketing Brochure Design: The Definitive Guide. About Sara McGuire. Sara McGuire is the Content Marketing Manager at Venngage. When
The Word "Pamphlet" in Example Sentences - Page 1 The Word "Pamphlet" in Example Sentences Page 1. 2991350 Tom gave me a pamphlet. CK 1522254 This pamphlet is about pets. erikspen 49995 The pamphlet is free of charge. CK 376834 This pamphlet is free of charge. CM 2678426 Please look at the pamphlet for the details. WestofEden 324994 Please help me distribute these pamphlets to visitors. Eldad Use of the word pamphlet in a sentence example Sentence Examples for pamphlet. They have distributed thousands of pamphlets for publicity. . How to use pamphlet in a sentence is shown in this page. Check the meaning of pamphlet. Writing effective pamphlets: a basic guide Writing Effective Pamphlets - A Basic Guide 1 Should I Use a Pamphlet At All? The first step to designing an effective pamphlet, is to decide whether it is an appropriate intervention for what you hope to achieve. Pamphlets are relatively easy and cheap to produce. They can also be distributed widely fairly cheaply. 18 Beautiful Examples of Pamphlet & Leaflet Designs
PAMPHLET | definition in the Cambridge English Dictionary
Use of the word belittle in a sentence example Sentence Examples for belittle. Rather than belittle my fears, the psychologist sought to help me understand my anxieties. How to use belittle in a sentence is … Colons with Lists - Grammar and Punctuation Aug 11, 2007 · Rule 1: Use the colon after a complete sentence to introduce a list of items when introductory words such as namely, for example, or that is do not apply or are not appropriate. You may be required to bring many items: sleeping bags, pans, and warm clothing. I want the following items: butter, sugar, and flour. Parts of Speech in a Sentence - dummies The part of speech is an important part of the identity of every single word in the English Language. Some words can function only as one part of speech. They never change. They can perform one job in the sentence, and no other. Here are a few examples of words that always act as one […]